Travel book

Between the creation residences, the recordings, the concerts, the tours and other epics of the groups, the Collectif Koa lives many adventures. There are also transmissions with soundpainting workshops, master classes, workshops, jazz meets kids etc. Each experience is an opportunity for encounters, discoveries and surprises. And because the good things are shared, find here all the adventures of the Collectif Koa.
Nefertiti @ Figeac 23/08/22
Nefertiti, family illustrated concert, performed on Tuesday August 23rd in Figeac for "Summer Tuesdays" in Eurêka's program with the Astrolabe.
Nefertiti @ Lattara’péro 27/07/22
Nefertiti illustrated concert performed at Lattara'péro in Henri Prades Museum's garden in Lattes on Wednesday July 27.
RamDam pro meeting @ Avignon 18/07/22
RamDam, young audience musics network, organized pro meeting in Avignon Off Festival Monday July 18th 2022.
Grand Ensemble Koa @ Musicales of Agly 13/07/22
Grand Ensemble Koa played "BEAT" at the festival Musicales of Agly in Planèzes [South France] Wednesday July 13th and it was hot!
[POSTENED] Sandra Cipolat Trio @ Jazz à Vienne [38] 30/06/22
Sandra Cipolat Trio's concert in Jazz à Vienne festival canceled because of the weather and postponed in 2023.