Nefertiti – Illustrated concert @ Babel Minots [34] 21/03/23

Nefertiti – Illustrated Concert opened the Babel Minots festival at the friche la belle de Mai in Marseille on Tuesday 21 March 2023. With two performances, the first one for schools and the second one for the general public, the 4 musicians won over young and old alike!
The first performance ended with an “edge of the stage” and the second with an interview with a small group of children: “Les Petits Chroniqueurs de Babel Minots”.
Cast :
– Caroline Sentis: voice, vocals
– Patrice Soletti: electric guitar
– Alfred Vilayleck : electric bass
– Maxime Rouayroux : drums
– Florian Vincent : sound engineer
– Thomas Bringuier : lighting engineer
– Olivier Bonhomme : illustrations