Teaser Gaga Gundul - Peemaï
Gaga Gundul 2022 tour #5 stop @ Saint-Nazaire-d’Aude [11]

#5 stop for the French Gaga Gundul‘s tour with Peemaï and Gayam16 collective. They all stopped on March 17 in Saint-Nazaire-d’Aude at the Marcelin Albert High School. They gave an exceptional educational concert about Gamelan to students, impressed by this unique orchestra.
Follow the adventures’ tour with Gayam16 report
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© Collectif Koa & Samuel Berthet
Gaga Gundul’s sponsors: Occitanie Region, French Institutes Red, Hérault department, City of Montpellier, SPEDIDAM, the Indonesian Embassy in France, Occitanie on Stage and Occijazz.