Nefertiti @ Jazzèbre 8/10/22

Nefertiti’s concert at Jazzèbre festival on Saturday October 8th at the Cultural Center of Cabestany. The concert attracted many families that flew with music and musicians around the Mediterranean Sea, hypnotized by Olivier Bonhomme’s animations. Read +
In the morning, Caroline Sentis gave a workshop for children and parents about “circle song” and body percussions. A great musical overview to share with your family that makes you want to see the concert!
Thanks to Jazzèbre’s team for their wonderful work and to the numerous family audience that shared this travel.
Line up
- Caroline Sentis : voix, chants
- Patrice Soletti : guitare électrique
- Alfred Vilayleck : basse électrique
- Maxime Rouayroux : batterie
- Florian Vincent : ingénieur son
- Thomas Bringuier : ingénieur lumière
- Olivier Bonhomme : illustrations
- Daniel Fayet : scénographie
- Pierre Soletti : textes, voix off
© Luc Greliche & Didier Pages