Nefertiti @ Le Sonambule 11/12/22

On Sunday December 11th 2022, a warm wind from Nile banks was blowing on Le Sonambule stage in Gignac. A musical journey around the Mediterranean Sea organized by Nefertiti, illustrated concert for family. Flamenco, chaâbi, Persian song, psychedelic rock and creative sounds, Collectif Koa’s artists tell with music the mysterious story of one of the most important character of Ancient Egypt: Nefertiti. A complete journey with Olivier Bonhomme’s illustrations that takes kids and parents to the country of pyramids.
Two other concerts took place on Monday December 12th 2022 for schools.
Line up
- Caroline Sentis: voice
- Patrice Soletti: electric guitar
- Alfred Vilayleck: electric bass
- Maxime Rouayroux: drums
- Florian Vincent: sound engineer
- Thomas Bringuier: light engineer
- Olivier Bonhomme: illustrations
- Daniel Fayet: stage designer
- Pierre Soletti: voice-over, texts
© DR, Vincent Bartoli.