Teaser Gaga Gundul - Peemaï
Peemaï & Gayam 16 @ Ngayogjazz [IDN] 19/11/22

Peemaï & Gayam 16 were on the stage of Ngayogjazz festival in Yogyakarta in Indonesia on November 19th 2022 during the Gaga Gundul Indonesian tour.
It was the 15th edition of the festival that yearly takes place in a different village. This year, it took place in a village near Yogyakarta. 6 stages and 45 bands during a whole weekend including “Gaga Gundul” band, that remained from 8.30am to 10.30pm on the field. A great tour starting to be continued.
Line up
- Guilhem Verger: sax, keyboards
- Gilles Coronado: guitar
- Alfred Vilayleck: bass
- Maxime Rouayroux: drums & percussions
Gayam 16
- Setyaji Dewanto: saron, peking, demung
- Sudaryanto: bonang, saron, peking, suling flûtes, kendang
- Azis Rifkyanto: bonang, saron, demung
- Bevy Hanteriska bonang, saron, peking, demung
- Bagus Ariyanto Seputro Nasution: bonang, saron, demung
La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, DRAC Occitanie, INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, Institut Français d’Indonésie, French Embassy in Indonesia and Western Timor, Département de l’Hérault, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, Ville de Montpellier, Montpellier 2028, CNM, Adami, Spedidam, Sacem, Occitanie en scène, Grands Formats, Octopus, La Tendresse, Indonesian Embassy in France, Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet, CITE DES ARTS – danse, musique, théâtre / conservatoire, La Casa Musicale.
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