Courses & Master classes

The workshop or master-class aims to make amateur and professional musicians work with the teaching musicians of the Collectif Koa, around improvisation in contemporary music and jazz.
The trainees will approach the main themes of melodic improvisation, harmony, rhythm and form in more or less depth (depending on the work period defined together). At the end of this period, the trainees and the teaching musicians will give a restitution of the work done together.
The objectives
- To acquire melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and formal skills for the development of improvisation
- To work on improvisation in a group
- To acquire a methodology to work on improvisation individually
- To know the history of improvisation in jazz and in contemporary music
- To work on collective improvisation, through Soundpainting
- To work on a chosen repertoire that will be presented by the participants and the teachers during a public performance
The organization
For a workshop, the work can last between 2 and 4 days. A public performance of about 40 minutes is organized at the end of the workshop, and is followed by a concert of the musicians involved (in a quartet maximum).
For a master class, it is necessary to count between 3 hours and one day of work. There is no public presentation or concert at the end of the master class.
The audience
Workshops and master classes are designed for everyone: from the amateur musician to the music school/conservatory student to the professional musician.
The teachers
The teachers are all musicians from the Collectif Koa’s formations and have a confirmed pedagogical experience.